Source code for

import collections
import logging
import base64
import queue
import math

from pathspider.base import SHUTDOWN_SENTINEL

def _flow4_ids(ip):
    # FIXME keep map of fragment IDs to keys (#144)

    icmp_with_payload = {3, 4, 5, 11, 12}
    quotation_fid = False
    if ip.proto == 1 and ip.icmp.type in icmp_with_payload:
        if ip.icmp.payload is not None and len( >= 20:
            ip = ip.icmp.payload
            quotation_fid = True

    protos_with_ports = {6, 17, 132, 136}
    if ip.proto in protos_with_ports:
        # key includes ports
        fid = ip.src_prefix.addr + ip.dst_prefix.addr +[
            9:10] + ip.payload[0:4]
        rid = ip.dst_prefix.addr + ip.src_prefix.addr +[
            9:10] + ip.payload[2:4] + ip.payload[0:2]
        # no ports, just 3-tuple
        fid = ip.src_prefix.addr + ip.dst_prefix.addr +[9:10]
        rid = ip.dst_prefix.addr + ip.src_prefix.addr +[9:10]

    if quotation_fid:
        # If the fid is based on an ICMP quotation, need to be reversed
        return (base64.b64encode(rid), base64.b64encode(fid))
        return (base64.b64encode(fid), base64.b64encode(rid))

def _flow6_ids(ip6):
    icmp_with_payload = {1, 2, 3, 4}
    quotation_fid = False

    if ip6.proto == 58 and ip6.icmp6.type in icmp_with_payload:
        if ip6.icmp6.payload is not None and len( >= 40:
            ip6 = ip6.icmp6.payload
            quotation_fid = True

    protos_with_ports = {6, 17, 132, 136}
    if ip6.proto in protos_with_ports:
        # key includes ports
        fid = ip6.src_prefix.addr + ip6.dst_prefix.addr +[
            6:7] + ip6.payload[0:4]
        rid = ip6.dst_prefix.addr + ip6.src_prefix.addr +[
            6:7] + ip6.payload[2:4] + ip6.payload[0:2]
        # no ports, just 3-tuple
        fid = ip6.src_prefix.addr + ip6.dst_prefix.addr +[6:7]
        rid = ip6.dst_prefix.addr + ip6.src_prefix.addr +[6:7]

    if quotation_fid:
        # If the fid is based on an ICMP quotation, need to be reversed
        return (base64.b64encode(rid), base64.b64encode(fid))
        return (base64.b64encode(fid), base64.b64encode(rid))

PacketClockTimer = collections.namedtuple("PacketClockTimer", ("time", "fn"))

[docs]class Observer: """ Wraps a packet source identified by a libtrace URI, parses packets to divide them into flows, passing these packets and flows onto a function chain to allow data to be associated with each flow. """
[docs] def __init__(self, lturi, chains=None, idle_timeout=30, expiry_timeout=5): """ Create an Observer. :param chains: Array of Observer chain classes :see also: :ref:`Observer Documentation <observer>` """ # Only import this when needed import plt as libtrace # Control self._irq = None self._irq_fired = False # Libtrace initialization self._trace = libtrace.trace(lturi) # pylint: disable=no-member self._trace.start() self._pkt = libtrace.packet() # pylint: disable=no-member # Chains of functions to evaluate chains = chains if chains is not None else [] self._chains = [chain() for chain in chains] # Packet timer and bintables self._ptq = 0 # current packet timer, quantized self._idle_bins = {} # map bin number to set of fids self._expiry_bins = {} # map bin number to set of fids self._idle_timeout = idle_timeout self._expiry_timeout = expiry_timeout self._bin_quantum = 1 #self._tq = [] # packet timer queue (heap) # Flow tables self._active = {} self._expiring = {} self._ignored = set() # Emitter queue self._emitted = collections.deque() # Statistics and logging self._logger = logging.getLogger("observer") self._ct_pkt = 0 self._ct_nonip = 0 self._ct_shortkey = 0 self._ct_ignored = 0 self._ct_flow = 0
def _interrupted(self): if not self._irq_fired and self._irq is not None: try: self._irq.get_nowait() self._irq_fired = True except queue.Empty: pass return self._irq_fired def _get_chains(self, name): return [ c.__getattribute__(name) for c in self._chains if hasattr(c, name) ] def _next_packet(self): # Import only when needed import plt as libtrace # see if someone told us to stop if self._interrupted(): return False # see if we're done iterating if not self._trace.read_packet(self._pkt): return False # count the packet self._ct_pkt += 1 # advance the packet clock self._tick(self._pkt.seconds) # get a flow ID and associated flow record for the packet (fid, rec, rev) = self._get_flow() # don't dispatch if we don't have a record # (this happens for non-IP packets and flows # we know we want to ignore) if not rec: return True keep_flow = True # run IP header chains if self._pkt.ip: for fn in self._get_chains("ip4"): keep_flow = keep_flow and fn(rec, self._pkt.ip, rev=rev) if self._pkt.icmp: for fn in self._get_chains("icmp4"): q = self._pkt.icmp.payload # pylint: disable=no-member keep_flow = keep_flow and fn(rec, self._pkt.ip, q, rev=rev) elif self._pkt.ip6: for fn in self._get_chains("ip6"): keep_flow = keep_flow and fn(rec, self._pkt.ip6, rev=rev) if self._pkt.icmp6: for fn in self._get_chains("icmp6"): q = self._pkt.icmp6.payload # pylint: disable=no-member keep_flow = keep_flow and fn( rec, self._pkt.ip6, q, rev=rev) # run transport header chains if self._pkt.tcp: for fn in self._get_chains("tcp"): keep_flow = keep_flow and fn(rec, self._pkt.tcp, rev=rev) elif self._pkt.udp: for fn in self._get_chains("udp"): keep_flow = keep_flow and fn(rec, self._pkt.udp, rev=rev) # complete the flow if any chain function asked us to if not keep_flow: self._flow_complete(fid) # we processed a packet, keep going return True # def _set_timer(self, delay, fid): # # add to queue # heapq.heappush(self._tq, PacketClockTimer(self._pt + delay, # self._finish_expiry_tfn(fid))) def _get_flow(self): """ Get a flow record for the given packet. Create a new basic flow record """ # get possible a flow IDs for the packet try: if self._pkt.ip: (ffid, rfid) = _flow4_ids(self._pkt.ip) ip = self._pkt.ip elif self._pkt.ip6: (ffid, rfid) = _flow6_ids(self._pkt.ip6) ip = self._pkt.ip6 else: # we don't care about non-IP packets self._ct_nonip += 1 return (None, None, False) except ValueError: self._ct_shortkey += 1 return (None, None, False) # now look for forward and reverse in ignored, active, # and expiring tables. if ffid in self._ignored: return (None, None, False) elif rfid in self._ignored: return (None, None, False) elif ffid in self._active: (fid, rec, active) = (ffid, self._active[ffid], True) #self._logger.debug("found forward flow for "+str(ffid)) elif ffid in self._expiring: (fid, rec, active) = (ffid, self._expiring[ffid], False) #self._logger.debug("found expiring forward flow for "+str(ffid)) elif rfid in self._active: (fid, rec, active) = (rfid, self._active[rfid], True) #self._logger.debug("found reverse flow for "+str(rfid)) elif rfid in self._expiring: (fid, rec, active) = (rfid, self._expiring[rfid], False) #self._logger.debug("found expiring reverse flow for "+str(rfid)) else: # nowhere to be found. new flow. rec = {'pkt_first': ip.seconds, '_idle_bin': 0} for fn in self._get_chains("new_flow"): if not fn(rec, ip): # self._logger.debug("ignoring "+str(ffid)) self._ignored.add(ffid) self._ct_ignored += 1 return (None, None, False) # wasn't vetoed. add to active table. fid = ffid self._active[ffid] = rec active = True # self._logger.debug("new flow for "+str(ffid)) self._ct_flow += 1 # update time and idle bin and return record rec['pkt_last'] = ip.seconds # update idle bin if we're not expiring if active: new_idle_bin = math.ceil((rec['pkt_last'] + self._idle_timeout) / self._bin_quantum) * self._bin_quantum if new_idle_bin > rec["_idle_bin"]: if rec['_idle_bin'] in self._idle_bins: self._idle_bins[rec['_idle_bin']] -= set((fid, )) if new_idle_bin in self._idle_bins: self._idle_bins[new_idle_bin] |= set((fid, )) else: self._idle_bins[new_idle_bin] = set((fid, )) rec['_idle_bin'] = new_idle_bin return (fid, rec, bool(fid == rfid)) def _flow_complete(self, fid): """ Mark a given flow ID as complete """ # skip all of this unless the flow is still in the active table if fid not in self._active: return # remove flow ID from idle bin rec = self._active[fid] self._idle_bins[rec['_idle_bin']] -= set((fid, )) del rec['_idle_bin'] # move record to expiring table self._expiring[fid] = rec del self._active[fid] # assign expiry bin expiry_bin = math.ceil((self._ptq + self._expiry_timeout) / self._bin_quantum) * self._bin_quantum #self._logger.debug("Completing flow "+str(fid)+" at "+str(self._ptq)+" to expire "+str(expiry_bin)+" (in "+str(expiry_bin-self._ptq)+"s)") if expiry_bin in self._expiry_bins: self._expiry_bins[expiry_bin] |= set((fid, )) else: self._expiry_bins[expiry_bin] = set((fid, )) def _emit_flow(self, rec): self._emitted.append(rec) def _next_flow(self): while len(self._emitted) == 0: if not self._next_packet(): return None return self._emitted.popleft() def _tick(self, pt): # quantize and skip if we're not advancing next_ptq = math.ceil(pt / self._bin_quantum) * self._bin_quantum if next_ptq <= self._ptq: return elif self._ptq == 0: # handle zero case self._ptq = next_ptq return # advance quantum for bint in range(self._ptq + self._bin_quantum, next_ptq + self._bin_quantum, self._bin_quantum): self._logger.debug("tick: " + str(bint)) # process idle if bint in self._idle_bins: if len(self._idle_bins[bint]) > 0: for fid in self._idle_bins[bint].copy(): self._flow_complete(fid) del self._idle_bins[bint] # process expiry if bint in self._expiry_bins: if len(self._expiry_bins[bint]) > 0: for fid in self._expiry_bins[bint].copy(): self._emit_flow(self._expiring[fid]) del self._expiring[fid] del self._expiry_bins[bint] self._ptq = next_ptq # def _tick(self, pt): # # Advance packet clock # self._pt = pt # # fire all timers whose time has come # while len(self._tq) > 0 and pt > min(self._tq, key=lambda x: x.time).time: # try: # heapq.heappop(self._tq).fn() # except: # type, value, tb = sys.exc_info() # traceback.print_exc() # pdb.post_mortem(tb) # def _finish_expiry_tfn(self, fid): # """ # On expiry timer, emit the flow # and delete it from the expiring queue # """ # def tfn(): # if fid in self._expiring: # self._emit_flow(self._expiring[fid]) # del self._expiring[fid] # # self._logger.debug("emitted "+str(fid)+" on expiry") # return tfn # def purge_idle(self, timeout=30): # # TODO test this, it's probably pretty slow. # for fid in self._active: # if self._pt - self._active['fid']['last'] > timeout: # self._flow_complete(fid)
[docs] def flush(self): for fid in self._expiring: self._emit_flow(self._expiring[fid]) # self._logger.debug("emitted "+str(fid)+" expiring during flush") self._expiring.clear() for fid in self._active: self._emit_flow(self._active[fid]) # self._logger.debug("emitted "+str(fid)+" active during flush") self._active.clear() self._ignored.clear()
[docs] def run_flow_enqueuer(self, flowqueue, irqueue=None): if irqueue: self._irq = irqueue self._irq_fired = None # Run main loop until last packet seen # then flush active flows and run again for _ in range(2): while True: f = self._next_flow() if f: flowqueue.put(f) else: self.flush() break # log observer info on shutdown"processed %u packets " "(%u dropped, %u short, %u non-ip) " "into %u flows (%u ignored)"), self._ct_pkt, self._trace.pkt_drops(), self._ct_shortkey, self._ct_nonip, self._ct_flow, self._ct_ignored) flowqueue.put(SHUTDOWN_SENTINEL)
[docs]class DummyObserver: # pylint: disable=R0903 """ The dummy observer provides a class compatible with the API of the Observer class without actually performing any operations. This is primarily used for PATHspider's test suite. """
[docs] def run_flow_enqueuer(self, flowqueue, irqueue=None): # pylint: disable=R0201 """ When running the flow enqueuer, no network operation is performed and the thread will block until given a shutdown signal. When the shutdown signal is received it will cascade the signal onto the flowqueue in the same way that a real Observer instance would. """ irqueue.get() flowqueue.put(SHUTDOWN_SENTINEL)