PATHspider 2.1¶
This documentation is for a development version of PATHspider that has not yet been released. In places the documentation may not accurately reflect reality. You can find the documentation for the latest stable release of PATHspider here.
In today’s Internet we see an increasing deployment of middleboxes. While middleboxes provide in-network functionality that is necessary to keep networks manageable and economically viable, any packet mangling — whether essential for the needed functionality or accidental as an unwanted side effect — makes it more and more difficult to deploy new protocols or extensions of existing protocols.
For the evolution of the protocol stack, it is important to know which network impairments exist and potentially need to be worked around. While classical network measurement tools are often focused on absolute performance values, PATHspider performs A/B testing between two different protocols or different protocol extensions to perform controlled experiments of protocol-dependent connectivity problems as well as differential treatment.
PATHspider is a framework for performing and analyzing these measurements, while the actual A/B tests can be easily customized. This documentation describes the architecture of PATHspider, the plugins available and how to use and develop and package the plugins.
Table of Contents¶
Citing PATHspider¶
When presenting work that uses PATHspider, we would appreciate it if you could cite PATHspider as:
Learmonth, I.R., Trammell, B., Kuhlewind, M. and Fairhurst, G., 2016, July. PATHspider: A tool for active measurement of path transparency. In Proceedings of the 2016 Applied Networking Research Workshop (pp. 62-64). ACM.
Current development of PATHspider is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 project MAMI. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 688421. The opinions expressed and arguments employed reflect only the authors’ view. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of that information.