TFO Plugin ========== TCP Fast Open (TFO) is an extension to speed up the opening of successive Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections between two endpoints. It works by using a TFO cookie (a TCP option), which is a cryptographic cookie stored on the client and set upon the initial connection with the server. [RFC7413]_ When the client later reconnects, it sends the initial SYN packet along with the TFO cookie data to authenticate itself. If successful, the server may start sending data to the client even before the reception of the final ACK packet of the three-way handshake, skipping that way a round-trip delay and lowering the latency in the start of data transmission. The TFO plugin for PATHspider aims to detect connectivity breakage due to the the use of TCP Fast Open, implementation of TCP Fast Open, and TFO implementation anomalies. Usage Example ------------- .. note:: The path given to the example list of web servers is taken from a Debian GNU/Linux installation and may differ on your computer. These are the same examples that can be found in the `examples/` directory of the source distribution. To use the TFO plugin, specify ``tfo`` as the plugin to use on the command-line: .. code-block:: shell pspdr measure -i eth0 tfo results.ndjson This will run three DNS queries over TCP for each job input, one without using TCP Fast Open and two using it, with the first connection using it used to prime the system to make a 0-RTT connection on the second. Supported Connection Modes -------------------------- This plugin supports the following connection modes: * dnstcp - Performs a DNS query using TCP To use an alternative connection mode, add the ``--connect`` argument to the invocation of PATHspider: .. code-block:: shell pspdr measure -i eth0 tfo --connect tcp results.ndjson Output Conditions ----------------- The following conditions are generated for the TFO plugin: tfo.connectivity.Y ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For each connection that was observed by PATHspider, a connectivity condition will be generated to indicate whether or not connectivity was successful using TFO validated against a connection not using TFO. Y may have the following values: * works - Both connections succeeded * broken - Baseline connection succeeded where experimental connection failed * offline - Both connections failed * transient - Baseline connection failed where experimental connection succeeded (this can be used to give an indication of transient failure rates included in the "broken" set) tfo.cookie.X ~~~~~~~~~~~~ For each connection that was observed to have a response by PATHspider, a condition is generated to show whether the TFO cookie was received on response packets. X can have two values, "received" or "not_received", idicating whther the client received a TFO cookie after sending the Fast Open Cookie Request option. tfo.syndata.X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For each connection that was observed to have a response by PATHspider, a condition is generated to show whether the TFO cookie was acknowledged when resending to the tested host. * acked - The server sends a SYN-ACK acknowledging the TFO cookie * not_acked - The server sends a SYN-ACK not acknowledging the TFO cookie * failed - The server does not send a SYN-ACK Notes ----- * TCP Fast Open is set using a socket option options. Through passive observation it should be possible to verify that TCP Fast Open is indeed being used.