Using the Resolver

The resolver accepts input formatted as CSV in the style of the Alexa top 1 million website listing:


The output format is the native input format for PATHspider plugins.

Basic Usage

usage: pathspider dnsresolv [-h] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--sleep SLEEP]
                            [--add-port ADD_PORT]
                            [--www {never,preferred,always,both}]
                            [--debug-skip DEBUG_SKIP]
                            [--debug-count DEBUG_COUNT]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -t TIMEOUT
                        Timeout for DNS resolution.
  --sleep SLEEP, -s SLEEP
                        Sleep before every request. Useful for rate-limiting.
  --add-port ADD_PORT, -p ADD_PORT
                        If specified, this port number will be added to
                        everyline in the output file.
  --www {never,preferred,always,both}
                        Mode for prepending "www." to every domain before
                        resolution. "never" will never prepend "www.".
                        "preferred" will prepend "www." if the resolution of
                        the domain including "www." is successful (more
                        specifically: an A record is returned), and otherwise
                        fall back to omitting the "www.". "always" will
                        prepend "www." and will return no IP address in the
                        output file, even when the domain without "www." can
                        be resolved to one. "both" behaves as "always" and
                        "never" together, that is, it resolves each domain
                        with and without a prepended "www.". All values for
                        this option will never stack the www's, that is
                        "" will never be expanded to
                        "". An existing "www." prefix from
                        a domain from the input file will never be dropped. If
                        this value is not "never", then the output file may
                        contain different FQDNs from the input file, as
                        "" might be turned into "".
  --debug-skip DEBUG_SKIP
                        Skip the first N domains, and do not resolve them.
  --debug-count DEBUG_COUNT
                        Perform resolution for at most N domains. All of them
                        if this value is set to 0.

Example Usage

pathspider dnsresolv <alexa-1m.csv >input-list.txt