Installation ============ Debian GNU/Linux ---------------- .. note:: If there has not been much time since the release, the Debian packages for the latest version may not yet be available. PATHspider is packaged for Debian and packages are made available for the testing and stable-backports distributions. If you are running Debian stable, ensure that you have `enabled the stable-backports repository `_ in your apt sources. To install PATHspider, simply run: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt install pathspider Vagrant ------- .. warning:: Depending on the set up of your Vagrant virtualization provider, some tests may be affected. It is wise to test against known configurations to ensure that your networking set up has a clear path to the Internet before running larger measurement campaigns. On systems other than Linux systems, you may use `Vagrant `_ to run PATHspider. This may also be useful during development. A Vagrantfile is provided that will create a Debian-based virtual machine with all the PATHspider dependencies installed. In the virtual machine, the PATHspider code will be copied to ``/home/vagrant/pathspider``. To improve compatibility across platforms, this is not synchronized with the repository outside of the Vagrant image. Expert users may edit the ``Vagrantfile`` to achieve this. PATHspider is installed in development mode, meaning that this is also the location of the PATHspider code that will be run when running the ``/usr/bin/pspdr`` command inside the virtual machine. Assuming that you have Vagrant and a virtualisation provider (e.g. VirtualBox) installed, you can get started with: .. code-block:: shell vagrant up vagrant ssh Depending on the speed of your Internet connection, this may take a long time. Source ------ .. warning:: PATHspider 2.0 depends on pycurl >=, released on the 7th December 2017. If you have errors when running PATHspider similar to ``AttributeError: module 'pycurl' has no attribute 'CONNECT_TO'`` then it is most likely the case that your version of pycurl is too old. If you are working from the source distribution (e.g. cloned git repository) then you will need to install the required dependencies. On Debian GNU/Linux, assuming you have the stable-backports repository enabled if you are running stable: .. code-block:: shell sudo apt build-dep pathspider .. note:: This will install both the runtime and the build dependencies required for PATHspider, its testsuite and its documentation. On other platforms, you may install most of the dependencies required via pip: .. code-block:: shell pip install -r requirements.txt Unfortunately, `python-libtrace `_ is not available on PyPI and so must be installed seperately. You will also need to ensure that for both pycurl and python-libtrace you have the build dependencies available as these are compiled CPython modules. If you wish to build the documentation from source or to use the testsuite, and you are installing your dependencies via pip, you will also need the following dependencies: .. code-block:: shell pip install -r requirements_dev.txt With the dependencies installed, you can install PATHspider with: .. code-block:: shell python3 install